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jeffw_00 Super User

Joined: June 30 2007
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Posted: March 24 2023 at 08:52 | IP Logged
Hi - Insteon just started taking pre-orders for their PLM. An inside
source tells me both the Serial and USB "had to be completely
reengineered. The original chip sets were no longer available so
they look at it as an opportunity to fix some of the things that
needed upgrading".
I've ordered a new one, and am going to try to take this opportunity
to move from Serial to USB.
How involved is it to swap the PLM? Is it just a matter of changing
the address, restarting PH, and reinitializing the PLM? Or (sigh) do
I have to refresh the links for every device :-(.
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jeffw_00 Super User

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Posted: April 07 2023 at 13:16 | IP Logged
No one? Dave?
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Lenny Senior Member

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Posted: April 07 2023 at 17:39 | IP Logged
I have replaced PLC to PLM, PLM to PLM with no issues. Yes, all PLM and device related links will have to be rebuilt with the new address but PH will do all of that for you.
There are a couple posts out there one of which you started back in 2010. To the best of my knowledge the process is the same disable pending, update controller, add full, replace address, enable pending.
Replace PLM
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jeffw_00 Super User

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Posted: April 07 2023 at 17:43 | IP Logged
Wow - thanks Lenny - I didn't find that in my search - should have
searched myself instead (or improve my memory). I'll reproduce
Dave's response below. I don't think it will work as written for
wireless devices because they have to be put in linking mode to be
updated (I guess you could collect them all in one spot near a
wireless transceiver and quickly put them all into link mode (I have
about 1/2 dozen).
1. Shutdown PowerHome. Disconnect old PLC/PLM. Connect new
2. Start PowerHome. Open Help/About and go to "Controllers" tab.
Note the address of the new controller.
3. Open Insteon Explorer. Uncheck "Enable Pending". Navigate to
"Devices" tab. Find the ID for your new controller. PowerHome
would have autogenerated a new one for you. Verify you've got the
right one by comparing the address.
4. Delete this newly created line (next version of PowerHome, this
will not be necessary). Save/Refresh to save your changes. Scroll
down until you find the ID of your previous PLC/PLM. In the
"Replace Address" field, type the address of your new PLC/PLM.
Save/Refresh to save your changes.
5. Verify that your controller line looks proper with the correct ID
and now the correct address. Make sure that the Insteon Type
reflects your actual controller.
6. Prep the new PLC/PLM by performing the steps on the Setup
Tab. If the new controller is a PLC, do a "Download", "Clear", "Add
Min". If a PLM, do a "Clear", "Add Full".
7. Check "Enable Pending". At this time, PowerHome should start
updating all your external devices with your new controllers
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Lenny Senior Member

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Posted: April 08 2023 at 06:52 | IP Logged
No worries. You are correct, the wireless devices are passive because of batteries. Powerhome updates 1 device, 1 link at a time, so they will just timeout of linking mode if you try to do them all at once.
When you do the "Add Full" the wireless devices don't need to be in linking mode. PH is just updating the PLM.
Before you do the Replace Address, check "Disabled" for each of the wireless devices and save.
When you do the Replace Address, The DB will update and it will queue those link remove\create operations. If you look at the devices after they will show the new link as pending and the old link pending remove.
Once all the other devices are updated, put one of the wireless devices in linking mode and uncheck disabled for that device and click save and PH show those operations in the pending queue and start update the linking table in the device. Repeat for each wireless device.
You may already have disabled the wireless devices in devices tab if you have status scan or they would be marked failed quickly.
Also, you should always disable Status Scan when performing any linking operation to reduce comm traffic.
If you have any Insteon Thermostats, while they are wireless they are powered from furnace transformer and talk all the time.
It wouldn't hurt to check the health of your Insteon Traffic a day or two before.
If you have Status Scan enabled all the time the Overall Insteon Communication health (Reports Tab) will be good.
If not check the "clear comms" for all the devices, and let status scan run for a day to get data or the reports won't be an accurate picture because PH can only collect act\nak counters if it initiates it.
Any devices with poor communication may time out and you will have to repair those links in link tab after. A device rebuild should square it a way just make sure it's not marked failed or PH won't do anything with it.
Of course you should have regular PH backups, but check and make sure you do before.
Edited by Lenny - April 08 2023 at 06:55
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jeffw_00 Super User

Joined: June 30 2007
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Posted: April 08 2023 at 08:17 | IP Logged
Thanks Lenny - much appreciated. I auto-backup once a day as well
as before/after any changes.
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